Email: grow@gifted-group.com
TEXT: 757-414-7697

Every Dollar Contributes to the Safety of A Victim of Domestic Violence
Eliminate barriers to success
Build personal support system
Solidify goals and establish deadlines
Develop personal affirmations to support goals and milestones
Strengthen emotional self-awareness and coping skills
Goal setting
Motivation and character
Strategic learning
Social and emotional intelligence
Key Connections
Coach + Client
Client + Personal Support System
Client + Peers
Information easily accessible via email, phone, face to face, or video conferencing
We believe in integrity. We hold in high esteem consistency, open communication and honesty.
We believe in passionate ambition, creativity and are committed to serving with excellence.
We believe in servant-hood. We acknowledge the first step in being great is offering our gifts to others and serving our community with purpose.
We believe in balance. We love what we do and have fun doing it.
We believe in courage. We understand the need for change and that sometimes, we need to be the change agent.